Same Shit. Different Year.

“A new year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.” – Anonymous

“I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the years’.” -Henry Moore

Hmm. I probably won’t change my habits very much this year. I’ll keep doing the basics; like exercising and eating (mostly) healthy. I’ll keep taking cold showers, meditating, and journaling/blogging like I have been for the past 7 years. I’ll keep my 4 year streak without pot alive (and my 12 year streak of not partaking in anything outside of pot alive as well). I’ll keep playing chess, enjoying music and art, and wandering through nature. I’ll keep reading, listening, and learning. I’ll also continue to not participate in social media (which I am becoming more and more convinced is the greatest detriment to modern society, and the single most destructive waste of time ever invented [Americans spend 2 hours and 15 minutes per day on social media on average…which is 821 hours per year…or 34 days/102 8hr work days/~20 40hr work weeks per year lol…it’s actually insane].

Last year I ran…I ran a lot lol. This year, I’ll still run, but probably not as much. Last year I increased my income by 40%, and it will increase by another 20% in a few months. This year I’ll continue to stick with my mild-mannered civil servant job, and focus on reaching the next 20% increase happening at the same time next year. I plan on maximizing the familial assets that I’ve recently acquired, and expanding upon them as soon as possible. So much momentum has been built in the past two years, and now that the most difficult hurdles have been cleared, I will likely only need to push the snowball downhill and maintain its momentum as it grows larger.

It’s hard to believe that in a short time, my income will be higher than yours, rab. It’s even harder to believe that in 5-10 years, my income will likely (can almost guarantee you) be higher than yours and your husband’s combined. I hate to use such a superficial and shallow statistic as a yardstick, but it’s slightly gratifying to know that I’m going to surpass you in terms of what you used as the primary justification for your decision in July of 2022. That seems to be going swimmingly for you from what I’ve heard btw lol. Suckkks. I honestly feel really bad for you (s’trapped in the gilded cage you willingly flew back into…gonna be a full cage soon lol), buttt cbk ya know (godspeed and good luck and take good care of our son lol)?

My sons (including ours) have been motivation enough, but proving you and others wrong has added extra fuel. If nothing else, losing you because I wasn’t where I should have been (in more ways than one), has expedited the process of becoming the person that I know I’m capable of being, and has encouraged me to continue creating the life that I’ve envisioned for so long. I’m so close to turning yet another corner, and will be in a much different position by this time next year in so many ways. Looking forward to this coming year, and wishing everyone the best of luck on their respective trip around the sun. Sending love and good vibes to anyone that wants/needs them as always.