
“The individual does actually carry on a double existence: one designed to serve his own purposes and another as a link in a chain, in which he serves against, or at any rate without, any volition of his own.” -Sigmund Freud

I took a break from social media…I didn’t use it at all for a year (January-January). I recently started using it again, and I quickly recalled why I stopped using it in the first place. Not only is it overstimulating, time-consuming, and distracting, it also interferes with the plethora of more beneficial ways that I could be using my time. However, despite that, it allows me to reconnect and communicate with old friends, and enables me to explore interesting people, places, and topics that I would not encounter daily otherwise. I guess, like anything in life, social media is good in moderation (and when used for its intended purpose). Mostly though, it reminds me of the Freud quote above, and the role I play in the global social network (at least for now). Sending love and good vibes to anyone who wants/needs them as always.

P.S. After rereading this…my god…I’ve become such a nerd lmao. Oh well. Could be worse. Can’t be carin’ I suppose. Onward and upward.