Hmm…What’s New?*

“One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.”- Euripides

(No worries, you’ll still never be my friend…even if we do have a son together).

Let’s see…not a whole lot really. Fall is rearing its head, and the leaves are beginning to change colors again. I’m pretty much over the heat at this point. I’m not necessarily looking forward to the coming winter, but I’m ready for a change of season/pace if nothing else.

I’m chugging along with work at USDA, and looking forward to another significant raise this coming March. I’m the last remaining person from a team of 6 in November of 2021 (I’m the guy who just kept showing up lol). My late father’s estate is finally being closed out, his assets/businesses are being sold off, and we shall see how that goes I guess (we’re keeping the remaining income properties but that’s pretty much it).

My oldest son (5) is a few weeks into the same small, private school that I (and my brothers) attended, and he loves it so far. He’s also in his second soccer season, and started tennis lessons about a month ago (with an old family friend who is great with kids thankfully). Both of my sons (5 & 2) have started spending the night at my house a few nights per week. We call it, “The All Boys Club” (no girls allowed…I know one girl I would allow lol), and it’s honestly the highlight of my week.

That’s pretty much my life right now…work and kiddos; work 7-3:30, kiddos 3:30-6:30. Wash, rinse, and repeat (other than overnights). My ex wife and I attempted a makeshift arrangement/to make amends, which didn’t work out (shocker), and are back to our separate ways other than kiddos. After a naval officer, a coast guard officer, a bureau of prisons officer, a naval intelligence officer, a PhD in biology candidate, an ex wife, a DEA agent, and a college professor (B.S. Hopkins, Master’s/PhD Yale, PostDoc Hopkins)…I’m pretty much done with the dating scene lol (nobody can replace ya I s’pose). Time to get a dog, buy a plot of land and learn how to farm lol…fml…but might be chill lol.

I’m fairly certain (ASSuming*) that you’re cheating on your husband again (I don’t blame ya…whatever makes ya happy), but could be wrong I s’pose (probably not lol…oh what an age we live in…and let’s not forget that you’re a serial cheater [cereal cheater?] lol). Hate to call you out to some degree, buttt…come on, let’s be honest, it’s only a matter of time. You’ve literally never been in a relationship that you haven’t cheated…I mean neither have I, but at least I have testosterone to blame lol (although you could too I s’pose). And not that it matters either way…I haven’t heard from you in over 14 months (despite allegedly having a son together) and the ghosting/radio silence/avoidance will likely continue for years at this rate. Funny to think about though lol.

I sometimes wonder who else (or multiple people) you were seeing while we were seeing each other…or maybe that’s better left unknown. I like to think that our love was true and genuine, and that I was the only one (other than your husband lol), but the mind tends to wander to the worst case scenario(s) after awhile unfortunately. Chickens always come home to roost, and skeletons never stay in their closets. We know this lol. CBK though, am I right? As my late father would say, “everyone is just trying to make it through this life.” Whatever ya gotta do, ya know?

I wish that I could be involved with our son’s life (if he’s even mine…lol the world may never know). I see him (and you) in my dreams and I guess that will have to suffice for now. Despite this semi-facetious venting (and another attempt to accept/detach/move on from you and our son) I have to admit that I still love and miss you, I still think the world of you (although maybe I shouldn’t given the recent rumors and the utter lack of mutuality lol), and I wish with all my heart that I could see you and our son and talk again. But, life goes on I s’pose. Sending love and good vibes as always, and I hope that you and the little guy are happy and healthy and that life is going well. Later, nerd.