What’s Today…October?**

“Lost time is never found again.”
-Ben Franklin

Our son is probably 10 months old by now, and I have yet to see him. Pretty chill…pretty chill (fucking kills me). But, not to worry (and fuck if you care lol)…because apparently you’re already pregnant…again (wow…just wow lol I hope hubby requested a paternity test…he’s a fucking idiot if he didn’t tbh #cerealcheater 😉 lol). The grapevine in this county is extremely lush, and word travels fast (“I wonder if this one is actually her husband’s…”…quipped the tri-county area lol…bummer…comes with the territory). At first I was in disbelief, but now I honestly just feel pity. I pity you…and I pity your “family,” and most of all, I pity our son.

You’re sandwiching our son between three half siblings in an absolute charade of a marriage…nice. No longer is he the youngest and in the spotlight (that was short-lived lol…sorry, buddy)…he’s the third of four (just like I was), and he’ll always be the odd one out. I would like to think that he’ll be oblivious, and everything will be fine…but he’ll know (one of these things is not like the others…one of these things is not like the rest lol)…it will be obvious early on and he’ll seek me out. Why not just let me adopt him at this rate? You’re already acting as if our 18 month affair never happened…might as well keep your three kids you actually have together (I assume?), and let me raise him instead. Why not? You already act like nothing happened…let him go, and actually live into your delusion without him as a constant reminder. Wouldn’t that be grand? One big happy fam jam lol.

I honestly don’t get it lol. Nobody does. Howww on Earth do you look at our son, and each other (and in the mirror)…and think…”this is fine…everything’s fine”…lol literally a fucking joke. That’s the reality that everyone else sees…except for you two apparently…it’s bizarre. Or maybe you both do, and are just grinning and bearing it lol. Unreal. But, despite all of that, I still put you on a pedestal…I still hope that you and our son are happy and healthy…and I still hope that you’re enjoying life (or at least the smol things)…and I must admit that I still love you and our son. I really wish that I didn’t honestly…hopefully someday…and hopefully sooner rather than later. Because at this point…let’s just say that the writing really is on the wall (your abdominal wall lol) and it’s time to shove off…like holy fuck lol. Oh well. Sorry if I’ve been harsh, but can’t be Karen (Karen Attahl) anymore. Smell ya later, nerd. Godspeed and good luck.

P.S. Also kinda funny that from what I remember, I’m pretty sure that our son is the only one of your kids that was intentional lol…that’s certainly saying something. Oh well, out of my control. Will be here for him if/when he needs me. Take good care of the little guy until then. See you sotr, my “friend.” Love and miss you and sending good vibes as always…even though sometimes I really can’t understand why I do…later, nerd.

Author: canyoufeelthevibes

You're here for the same reason I am...to have a human experience.

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